SAN ROQUE (JimenaPulse files) The nearest Semana Santa (Holy Week) processions to Jimena are at San Roque and they are well worth seeing as part of a cultural heritage that is particularly present in AndalucĂa and especially in Seville. As a Roman Catholic country, these processions can be seen all over Spain with different degrees of fervour and attraction. There is plenty of information on the programme of events, in English, on the official San Roque website, which gives extensive details and a short history.>
The processions begin today, and reach their apogee on Good Friday. However, San Roque has one that is very unusual. Called The Holy Meeting, it is a convergence of all the town's processions, and takes place on Holy Thursday (April 5th) at 9.30 p.m. (very approximately, usually much later).
It is worth remembering that streets become extremely crowded and small children should be kept close.
For those who would like to know more about what it's all about, there are booklets available in San Roque, easily found around the town, though certainly at the Ayuntamiento there.
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