Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Council urges use of Punto Limpio

JIMENA In a press release dated this morning, the Council of Jimena urges us to make use of the rubbish collection point that was opened in April and where we can drop off all kinds of items we no longer need: everything from computers to used oil from the fryer and including dead batteries, hardened paint and so on. The Punto Limpio, or ‘Clean Point’, is apparently being under-used and the Council thinks it is because most people don’t know where it is, or are unaware of its environmental objectives. The press statement also points out that it is designed for small quantities rather than lorry loads of, say, rubble or larger items. The facility is also a transfer point for domestic garbage and is used by Castellar as well as Jimena (Photo). The Punto Limpio is located at the end of the straight BarrĂ­a stretch on the A-405 (find it here on Google Maps), and click here for related articles on JimenaPulse, including a list of what you can deposit there. (There are other Puntos Limpios in the Campo: check here (in Spanish only)

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