Friday, 16 October 2009

Ask the Mayor: any questions?

JIMENA - As from today and until October 29th, Jimena Mayor Pascual Collado, will be receiving questions from the people of Jimena. A few details have to be ironed out but it's as well that you, Dear Reader, begin getting your questions down as The Translation People will have to deal with them before they are submitted (if your Spanish is good enough, please send them in directly to the website linked below!).The schedule is as follows>

October 13 to 29
Participating websites (including TioJimeno, SPB Noticias, Noticias del Tesorillo y Secadero and JimenaPulse) collect the questions from their readers. Given that JimenaPulse has to translate them, we ask that you send them in by Wednesday the 27th at noon. (Please remember that if your Spanish is good enough, you must send them directly to: They will then be e-mailed to a central point to be sorted.

Friday, October 30
Sorted questions are prepared for a definitive questionnaire. Media invited.

Week of November 2 to 8
Preparation and taping of TV programme to be emmitted by Jimena's La Novena station.

Week of November 9 to 15
Editing video to be put up on YouTube, plus links, texts and photos to participating media.

Given that the idea is to foster participation, there are no restrictions as to subject. Nevertheless, in order to speed up the final interview with the Mayor, we ask that your questions be as concise as possible and that they do not involve your personal, exclusive interests.

The only requirement set by the organizers is that each person asking a question be identified, giving their names and surnames and an e-mail address (it will not be published) or a contact phone number. Each participating medium, and certainly JimenaPulse, will ensure that every question submitted comes from a real, identifiable person.
We will not accept anonymous questions. We are sure you will understand that the above rule must be observed in order to avoid misuse of the facility we are offered.

Other considerations
Problems and changes could arise, for instance, if there is an avalanche of questions or how to group questions on a similar subject. We will advise of any changes.


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