Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Gibraltar Government promoting 'phantom website', says Opposition

Gibraltar's GSLP/Liberal Opposition yesterday accused Government of promoting a 'phantom website', according to The Gibraltar Chronicle. The website, supposedly aimed specifically at persons who may be interested in investing in Gibraltar, does not exist. In a statement issued yesterday the GSLP/Liberals said that this can only give a very poor impression, particularly to foreign investors from outside Gibraltar who may be interested in setting up on the Rock. However, our own investigation elicited the image (left), which we arrived at through Government's own website, admittedly after several clicks on various links. The Chronicle goes on to say>
“In the 2004 budget the Government took the first steps for the setting up of what has become the InvestGibraltar office. The role of the office is described by the Government as that of a frontline organisation which acts as a bridge between the private and public sector which ‘provides business related advice, guidance and support to those wishing to start up, expand or diversify an enterprise in Gibraltar,” said the Shadow Minister responsible for Trade and Industry Dr Joseph Garcia.

The website of the office is given as in the website of the Gibraltar Government, the website of the Gibraltar office in London and in advertisements that have been placed by the Government in publications which obviously aim to give publicity to its existence and its function.

“Potential investors who may want to establish a business locally and who may want to download a “Business Support Pack” or a copy of a booklet entitled “Setting up a Business in Gibraltar” are asked to go to the above website and obtain it from there,” he said.

Dr Garcia said it is not possible to download copies from the given website because it does not yet exist or the website has not yet gone “live”. Anyone who clicks on is greeted by the message: “This Domain is hosted by Gibconnect for any information please contact Gibconnect, 4th Floor, The Haven, Gibraltar…”. Contact telephones and fax numbers are also given. There is nothing to indicate that the website is being upgraded and interested persons are not referred to the department in question, he said.

When JimenaPulse tried to connect to a notice, different to the above, said 'Forbidden. You don't have permission to access / on this server.

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