An extensive report by the Waste Management department of Arcgisa, owned by Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, says that recycling went up by 5.4% during 2009. Some 2,266,280 kilos of 'light containers' were collected, against 2,151,560 the year before. However, the same is not true of other items such as paper/cardboard, or glass, both of which went down - the first time they have shown a decrease since 2004. Nevertheless, electric and electronic material waste was also on the rise, showing a total of 148,000 kilos since Arcgisa took charge some 18 months ago. The figures per resident year>are also on the up. Residents are depositing 8.67kg per year of 'light containers', paper/cardboard, 15.43, and glass, 8.07.
Mancomunidad reminds us that this service is provided throughout the Campo de Gibraltar with no additional cost to the residents. The only charges Arcgisa make are related to the bag of rubbish collected at our door, or deposited in grey containers. This latter should contain exclusively organic material with which organic compost is made and sold on.
Mancomunidad thanks us for our efforts and hopes that figures will rise further this year.
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