Friday, 4 June 2010

Gibraltar to ban driving while using mobile

Driving while using a hand-held mobile phone will be a specific offence  on the Rock once the new law comes into effect as from 1 July 2010. Offenders will be subject to a fine, in the case of a first offence, of £100 and £200 or up to three months imprisonment for a second or subsequent conviction. "Research has demonstrated that if you drive and use a mobile phone you are four times more likely to have an accident. Hands-free calls are also distracting and drivers should be aware that they still risk prosecution for failing to have proper control of their vehicle, for careless or even reckless driving if using a phone affects their driving,” said Joe Holliday, Gibraltar’s Transport Minister. The Government will be undertaking a publicity campaign in conjunction with the Royal Gibraltar Police to raise the level of public awareness. The Government’s website will also include some frequently asked questions and their answers.

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