Wednesday, 21 July 2010

'Working for Peace' in San Pablo

Preparations for the eighth annual Talleres por la Paz in San Pablo de Buceite are very nearly finished. Yesterday, Sunday, was the day to receive the children participating this year. Volunteers from the organization headed for Jerez airport and the port at Tarifa (photo) yesterday to receive guests from Cuba and Morocc. Most of the activities, including workshops in percussion and instrumental, graphitti, foam molding, digital still & movie photography. get under way today. The theatre workshops, attended mainly by local children, have been going for a week now, with a view to presenting their work at the ceremony to end the Talleres.>
Morning activities are plentiful, and the visitors get to have time off in the afternoons and evenings, though the streets of San Palo are alive with people, music and spontaneous activities til the wee hours every night.

Prospero note: The Talleres por la Paz are, in my humble opinion, one the more worthwhile events that take place in this municipality - indeed, probably in all the Campo area. The mixture of cultures and peoples in a warm, caring environment can only bode well for future generations. I thoroughly reccomend your taking part.

WE WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHING THE FULL PROGRAMME IN ENGLISH, which you can pick up in Spanish at almost any bar in the area.

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