Daniel Martin Mateo, 62, was reported missing at about 9pm on Saturday night after his family told authorities he had failed to return home since he had set out to search for wild mushrooms in the forest early that morning. Daniel knows the area well, so his family thought it particularly strange that he had not returned and feared something had happened to him and he was unable to contact them. He had taken his car, which was found in the Las Cainillas area on the road to Puerto Galiz. A full search took place all day Sunday and was planned for this morning - Monday- involving>
Guardia Civil units from Algeciras and Ronda, with a helicopter, as well as their canine unit from Sevilla and their Seprona nature protection units; Local Police from Jimena; the fire brigade's Mounbtain Rescue Unit from Ubrique witrh their dogs; 2 Infoca (forest fire prevention) units from Jimena and another 2 from the Ubrique-Cortes area; Environment agentys from Jimena and Cortes; Civil Protection units from Cortes; and the GREA emergency group's helicopter transport and search unit. That, plus about a hundred local residents who knew Dani and the area well.
Guardia Civil units from Algeciras and Ronda, with a helicopter, as well as their canine unit from Sevilla and their Seprona nature protection units; Local Police from Jimena; the fire brigade's Mounbtain Rescue Unit from Ubrique witrh their dogs; 2 Infoca (forest fire prevention) units from Jimena and another 2 from the Ubrique-Cortes area; Environment agentys from Jimena and Cortes; Civil Protection units from Cortes; and the GREA emergency group's helicopter transport and search unit. That, plus about a hundred local residents who knew Dani and the area well.
They found his car at Las Cainillas, locked and containing his documentation and some clothing that was used for the dogs as tracers. He was not to be found yesterday, Sunday, giving rise to comments all over the village and beyond, as well as to various stories in the media.
This morning, when the above rescue and police units had already set out to renew their search for him, two workers who were out setting (legal) traps for wild boar came across Dani some ten kilometres from his car in an area known as Canuto Largo, at about 10am.
Apparently he had lost his way in Saturday's fog and spent the first night in the open. On Sunday he had found a goat shack, where he sought shelter, hoping that the owner would come by with his goats. He had only a couple of apples, some bread and a chunk of morcilla.
At any rate, he returned home to Calle Mellado in Jimena at midday today and was reported to be in good health. He was welcomed by his neighbours as well as TV cameras and microphones, for his disappearance had caused quite a commotion in the media of Andalucia.
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