Friday, 11 March 2011

Jimena and Tesorillo on the same track but on different trains

JIMENA/San Martin del Tesorillo (Agencies) Readers will forgive the use of a railway simile when we're talking about roads, but Jimena Mayor Pascual Collado (PSOE - photo, centre, with Councillor Mercedes Segovia and Tesorillo candidate Jesús Solís) was at the offices of Mancomunidad in Los Barrios while Tesorillo Mayoress Belen Jarillo (PP) was just across the road at the Guadacorte Hotel, having called a press conference for yesterday at 10.30 and 11 am respectively. The objective was exactly the same in both instances: to publicize the demand for immediate repairs and widening of the A-2102 and A-2103 roads that connect Tesorillo with San Enrique and the A-7. This are the roads that offer the natural, easiest exit of produce to the Guadiaro Valley and beyond, but are much too narrow for large vehicles and have very deep, dangerous ditches on either side. (Editorial: The objective is the same: to protect drivers on these roads, among other things. Can't the blessed politicians put aside their petty differences even for this cause?)

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