Thursday, 14 April 2011

Pregnant prisoner held 263 grams of heroin in her body for four days

ALGECIRAS (Agencies) The National Police unit of Algeciras reported yesterday that a prisoner held an oval packet of heroin esconced in her vagina for four days recently. The woman, known as Luisa, was part of a group arrested by the drug squad in an operation that broke up La Celera family clan, which distributed and sold drugs throughout the Campo. It was suspected that Luisa had entered prison with the heroin still inside her, and she claimed to be at least two months pregnant. But the woman refused to be seen by a doctor, despite the danger to the fetus. A court order was obtained for the woman to be watched uninterruptedly by prison officers. Four days after her arrest and the plastic bag of heroin showed no sign of appearing, prison officials decided she would have to go to the hospital for a gynecological examination, whereupon Luisa handed the substance to the authorities.

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