Thursday, 14 April 2011

Why does it take three trips to pay for a single water bill?

Arcgisa head office, Los Barrios
JIMENA (and possibly elsewhere in the Campo) Considering we're in the 21st century and in the age of Internet, it is difficult to understand why we have to make three trips on three different days to pay a single water bill. Here's the procedure if you don't have your bill on direct debit: 1. You get a bill through the post. 2. You turn up at the Arcgisa office in Jimena (open only on Wed and Fri from 9am - 1.30pm) where you get two recibos ('receipt', one for you and one for the bank) and are told to pay it at Cajasol (soon to be renamed Banca Civica, by the way) 3. You head for the bank, where you're told you can only pay the bill on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.30 to 10am. 4. You go home in a fury and have to come back the next day. 5. Having stood in the queue at the bank to pay, you now have to take the signed and stamped recibo back to the Arcgisa office - but you can only do that on another day. TOTAL: three separate trips on three separate days! What happened to the concept of service? Or coordination, even? The only possible reason we can think of is a desperate effort to have all our bills paid by direct debit for the convenience and profit of the entities involved - not, of course, for the paying customer.

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