Thursday, 21 June 2012

Impressive photos of Torreguadiaro fire

Reader Neil French sent in these photos taken from his home in Colina del Mar. Many thanks, Neil, and we hope you and yours are safe and sound.


  1. Shame you not help clean up rather than take photo

  2. We don't normally publish anonymous comments but here is one anyway. And he/she is absolutely right! The thing is, the anonymous writer does not know of the circumstances of anyone else unless directly, and it doesn't stop us thanking anyone for sending things in.

  3. (By e-mail) Cannot believe you (a) published the anonymous blog and (b) condoned it. Just for the record - I used the contents of my swimming pool on another person's land in front of me which DID not burn as a result. I kept 20 firefighters going with cold drinks, etc etc. We were all in it together, and neighbour helped neighbour. Your blogger should find him/herself in a similar situation and see if they still want to make fatuous comments. Absolutely farcial to say the ignorant anonymous blogger was "absolutely righ"t and you should be ashamed of yourself. You said he blogger didn't know - but NEITHER did YOU. Neil French

  4. PROSPERO ANSWERS: And you are absolutely right, too, Neil. I may have worded it incorrectly, but my agreeing with the anonymous comment was not directed at you, far from it! True, I don't know you and I applaud your not using anonymity, believe me. What I heard behind his/her words was a plea for help and cooperation. Perhaps I was wrong, I don't know. At no time have I intended to offend you and I apologise if I have. I would like to put up your e-mail and my response. I feel it's the best way of countering the anonymous comment, and I do hope you agree.

  5. We have since heard that the person who took these photos is 73 and, he says, well past his firefighting days. Our thanks once again, Neil, and I'm sure the firefighters were grateful.
    Incidentally, if you're up for it, maybe you could write a little something about the consequences of the fire and how people are now.


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