Thursday, 12 July 2012

Animal welfare society gets started in Jimena

Scruffy was there, too
JIMENA (Press release) A significant group of people came together today at a Bring-Your-Own-Lunch meeting at Casa Henrietta in Jimena with the intention of eventually creating a formal animal welfare society to protect and assist the many abandoned and mistreated animals that frequent the municipality. The main objective of the collective is to offer an efficient system of support for the authorities and persons who request it, through the provision of medication, veterinary treatment and food as well as searching for temporary or permanent homes for the animals, among other intentions. According to the organizers, the idea is not to create an animal shelter, but to serve as support when needed. A suggestion that came up during the lunch and was approved unanimously, was that future funds raised at such events should be shared equally with the handicapped association of Jimena, La Estrella. "We will talk with them as soon as possible," said one of the organizers, but in any case the matter must be officially approved in committee when the legal society is properly set up. Thanks to the generosity of those present and donations received from others, a total of €450 was raised towards an initial fund. Present, too, was Scruffy, the collective's first 'project', who was rescued on Sunday, July 8th, and has already received treatment and a good scrub. He is now looking for a home.

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