Monday, 9 July 2012

Another dog story; This is Notgeorge

JIMENA Please meet Notgeorge. He was picked up at midday yesterday, Sunday, by someone who was kind enough to take him home temporarily, to get him spayed, and then on to the El Refugio centre at Los Barrios (Spanish Stray Dogs). There's absolutely nothing wrong with Notgeorge that a little TLC care won't cure. He looks a bit bedraggled because he has been on the street for well over a couple of months - again, he needs a bath and some food, and probably a chip and vaccinations, and a family to take him on. He is a lovely dog, sweet natured, used to people and cars.  He gets on well with>>>other animals, including cats and children (well, they can be little animals, can't they?). But he doesn't get on with a neighbour in the street who has threatened to stone him to death and whom we have good reason to believe killed another dog we reported on some time ago. He was being fed and occasionally watered by a friend of ours -and his!- who could not keep him, and who had tears in her eyes when he was driven away. Notgeorge got his name because this friend was looking for some way to refer to him and suggested George. "Not George!" said her indignant daughter. And Notgeorge became his temporary name. This incident goes some way to illustrating what we are trying to achieve with the start-off luncheon on Thursday. There are over 30 people coming, and there's still time to book a place at table: read all about it here. Or if you can't make it, you can send in a donation with someone who can. At the lunch we will be explaining what we want to do for the neglected, abandoned and abused animals of this area without becoming a reception centre for them.

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