Wednesday, 4 July 2012

More kittens looking for a home!

JIMENA (From Facebook) These guys are still looking for a home, according to Sue. Check her Facebook appeal. (Note: We will soon be creating a special Facebook Appeal page for this kind of thing - there are more things going on in the world than mistreated, neglected, lost or found animals, much as we want to help - and WE DO: See this invitation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting this up...still no homes found,unfortunately and one little kitten went for a ride in Jacks mouth harm done....this time!Poor dogs are literally in the doghouse most of the time though cos Millie had one kitten before I discovered them under my water they,who are NOT our family are ruling the roost and poor Jack and Millie stay this heat!Please.....someone find a bit of space for these kitties before my dogs their bellies!


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