Friday, 14 June 2013

Fantastic Ladies Spa Day in aid of J.A.W.S.

JIMENA We got a call last night to tell us excitedly that the J.A.W.S. Ladies Spa Day at Viña de Liñán had been a grand success and that €600 had been collected for the animal charity, after paying for everything. Val asked us to say that Ruth had worked very hard and it would have been impossible without her - and no doubt Ruth would say the same about Val. In any case, thanks to both of them are in order, as they are to all those who attended. Well done! (A Racing Afternoon is planned for Saturday the 22nd, from 4pm at Paul and Connie's, Calle Vaca 28 - 'boys' are welcome this time. Bar & BBQ and gaming, too, with a percentage to J.A.W.S. Programmes €2. More on that later.)

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