Below is a little film of Harry, sent in by his new home people. He is one of a pair of puppies rescued by Val Jubb, of J.A.W.S. last month (left). They were found in a drainage hole with their mom, terrified, filthy, flea and tick ridden. The 'owners' refused to allow the mother to be neutered, although they also said she and the puppies were not theirs. See what a change came over the white one. Maybe we can get a movie of his sister Poppy, who was also homed. They were treated at Carlos's vet centre - about which big changes forthcoming! (See why J.A.W.S. needs your help?)
You said All thanks to J.A.W.S. but what would that be without Val, who was out there, arguing with the 'owners' in her best Spanish! THEY REALLY REALLY NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS to do some of the work!!!!