Saturday, 6 July 2013

Municipal fines for dog fouling

(Photo: TioJimeno)
JIMENA Mayor Guillermo Ruiz recently signed into being a local law whereby irresponsible dog owners (nothing about cats or horses) are to be fined 100.17euros or 200.34euros for allowing the animal to excrete (pooh, that is) in public places. A full translation of the official notice (image) will be available on Monday. In the meantime, please comment below! 
TRANSLATION: According to the Ordinance regarding Possession and Protection of Animals in the Municipality of Jimena de la Frontera, all those who walk domestic animals are obliged to maintain security, health and veterinary measures; said walk must not include grass areas, public gardens, fountains, children's playgrounds, etc. Al excrements must be picked up by the owner, not only from the aforesaid places but also from public sites such as streets and pavements, and deposited in containers for solid urban waste. - Non-compliance of this ordinance could mean a fine of up to €100.17 for a minor offence or €200.34 for a serious one, the Local Police having been given orders to be vigilant in its compliance.


  1. Great. .... Can it be extended to dogs that bark all day and night?

  2. It is about time too. People have to walk around the mess.
    Can he do anything about dogs barking during the night instead of keeping people awake. There are so many.

  3. It´s "excrementos" not "escrementos". I wonder if due to budget cuts the spellcheck was turned off at the council.

  4. It's a great idea but how are they going to keep track of the dogs that are out and about on their own? The owners won't even know where the dog has 'been' let alone care...

  5. Dogs that bark can be reported to the Local Police, preferably after having a word with the owner. However, the police will also have a word with the owner, after which, forget it. Another alternative is to make an official denuncia at the Local Police which must be registered at the town hall when it's taken in - or send it by registered mail.


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