Friday 18 December 2009

Aminatou Haidar's return to her Sahara home dominates Spanish press today

(Press Review) El Mundo says Spain has had to note that Morocco is in control in the disputed Sahara area. A statement from the Spanish Government says ‘while the matter is resolved by the United Nations, Moroccan law applies in the Western Sahara’. The paper says that Aminatou described her return as a triumph for the Saharawi cause. Most papers have the photo of her leaving hospital in Lanzarote at the end of 32 days on hunger strike.
ABC headlines that it was Paris which agreed the deal with Rabat, and also notes that Morocco has reached ‘a suicy agricultural agreement’ with the EU.
Público headlines that Haidar has won her battle, and notes that Rabat stopped the press going to the El Aaiún airport to block any photos of her return.>

El País says that Morocco has said it has allowed her back for ‘humanitarian reasons’.
La Razón notes she returns without having apologised to Mohamed VI.

Público, El País and La Razón put the Copenhagen climate change summit on the front page. Público says that the leaders are reaching the end of the summit with no agreed figures. Obama arrives today, the last day, and will explain the US help for developing countries.
El País considers that China has the key to save the summit, but Beijing is resisting an inspection of its emissions.
La Razón tells us that the Spanish Prime Minister has paraphrased a Redskin Indian from 1854 by saying
‘The earth belongs to nobody, except the wind’.

El Mundo presents a new signing. Vicente Zabala who starts his contributions for the paper by saying that they are against bullfighting in Cataluña as ‘the fiesta’ is Spanish. Today the Catalan parliament votes on banning bullfighting in the region and the region’s papers headline the vote.
El País notes that today’s vote will be a secret one.

El País reports that the Mexican army has killed one of the most wanted drugs barons. There are photos of the body of Arturo Beltrán Leyva lying after being shot dead in his underpants.

ABC says that Hacienda is planning a new ‘Big Brother’ which will control all payments made with credit cards. The tax authorities will investigate shops and small businesses who earn more than 3,000 € a month in credit card payments.

Miguel Blesa, the outgoing Chairman of Caja Madrid, is reported in El Mundo to be considering taking the head of the CEOE Employers’ organisation, Gerardo Díaz Ferrán, through the courts as a bed debtor. He owes the bank 26 million €.

ABC tells us that after the announcement of a merger between Antena 3 and La Sexta another two television channels are about to make an announcement. The merger between Telecinco and Cuatro will create the largest private TV channel in Spain. ABC says that the Italian Telecinco will offer a capital amplification in which Prisa, the parent group of Cuatro, will take part.

El Mundo reports that the three judicial associations have criticised the attitude of Judge Baltasar Garzón. Comments have been made about the revelation that the judge turned to the president of Santander, Emilio Botín, to finance his conferences in New York. The associations say that judges should be independent and seen to be so.

ABC notes that the Socialist Party has managed to see the abortion reform, allowing free abortion to the 14th week, to be passed in Congress.
La Razón leads with the vote and says that nine Christian votes decided the new law. It notes that the six PNV, deputies, two CiU, and Catholic Socialists such as José Bono supported the vote.

El País notes that Portugal has revised the rights of homosexuals. Yes to marriage, no to adoption.

El País reports that Federico García Lorca is not in the mass grave at Alfacar. The paper considers this opens new possibilities as to how the Granada poet died.

El Mundo notes that Sr.Vicens is refusing to resign his seat for the UM party on the Balearics, despite the fact that he has been sent to prison for four years in the latest corruption scandal.

El País reports on the Arco modern art fair in Madrid. The paper says it has an identity crisis and has to reinvent itself or die.

And finally, El Mundo has a picture of Silvio Berlusconi with his bandaged nose and tells us he is out of hospital, but now heading for a plastic surgery clinic in Switzerland. El País has a front page photo also and the quote from Berlusconi – ‘It’s the hate of a few’. Meanwhile, sales of the Duomo Cathedral souvenir used to hit him in the face are reported to have gone through the roof.


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