Saturday 18 December 2010

Muslim family files complaint about 'ham in class'

LA LINEA (Agencies) The family of a first year student of the Instituto Menéndez Tolosa made a complaint against the boy's teacher because the teacher mentioned the curing of ham during a geography lesson that was about the Alpujarras in Granada - where the village of Trévelez is famous for its ham because it is high in the mountains and cold and dry enough to produce excellent pork products. According to his parents, the boy was offended at the mention of the ham because its consumption is against his religion and said so to the teacher, who answered that he was only using ham as an example to talk about climate and did not take into consideration anyone's religion in the classroom when giving a lesson.>
According to sources at the school, the boy's family never even went to discuss the matter with anyone. Instead, they went straight to the National Police station and made a denuncia against the school and the teacher. The Judicial Police, a branch of the National Police, has taken statements from all those implicated in a matter that could have remained in the realm of a misunderstanding.

The teacher is accused of  maltrato de obra ('factual abuse'), racism and xenophobia.

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