Monday 20 December 2010

Two divorces, one marriage?

JIMENA/CASARES (Agencies) Secadero, at one end of the straight stretch over the bridge, belongs to the municipalitry of Casares,  province of Málaga. At the other end of the bridge road is San Martín del Tesorillo, which belongs to Jimena de la Frontera, province of Cádiz. Both of these villages, however, are in a more or less advanced stage of separation from their mother municipalities. This happens through an ELA (Entidad Local Autónoma, or Local Autonomous Entity), a sort of quasi-independent Council, often of a different political colour to its mother. Such, at any rate, is the case with Tesorillo (as it is known to its friends - others call it San Martin). Given their proximity, there is always the possibility of intimacy despite the river that separates them. Lovers will always find a way. If and when they both obtain their divorces, it is not impossible to imagine that they will marry each other to form their own municipality, or join another one such as rich San Roque. Just a thought probably ahead of its time...

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