Sunday, 23 January 2011

Airport runway to be closed to pedestrians

GIBRALTAR (GibChronicle/Brian Reyes) Pedestrians will be banned from walking across the runway once the new airport tunnel is completed. The decision was confirmed by Chief Minister Peter Caruana in Parliament yesterday in response to a question from the GSLP MP Gilbert Licudi. “Pedestrians will not be crossing the runway on foot,” Mr Caruana said. The Chief Minister was pressed by Mr Licudi to disclose details of what arrangements would be put in place for pedestrians to get across. Mr Caruana declined to offer any insight into future plans, which he said would be revealed closer to the tunnel completion date. But he did confirm that, if nothing else, pedestrians would still be able to walk to and from the border, albeit the long way round. “There is a pedestrian tunnel in the new tunnel arrangements at Eastern beach,” he said.

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