Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Islamic community asks Ombudsman to help in their quest for a cemetery

ALGECIRAS (Agencies/Photo: illustration only) The Islamic community took advantage of a visit from the Ombudsman of Andalucía (Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz), José Chamizo (photo), to ask him for help in bringing about a cemetery and social centre in Algeciras. The president of the community organization, Kamal Cheddad, gave Chamizo a report detailing its activities over the past year. Cheddad said that they wanted the Ombudsman to intervene on their behalf with the Council, as they had been asking for negotiations for several months. There are over 7,000 Muslims residents in Algeciras, according to the organization, wo find it very difficult to bury their dead. hese have to be taken to another town for burial, or to Morocco, with the high cost this involves.

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