Wednesday 20 April 2011

No improvement in La Linea sewage problem, despite Junta's requests

Protest last month
GIBRALTAR/LA LINEA (GibChronicle) The Junta de Andalucia is keeping a close eye on the Western Beach sewage problem and putting pressure on La Linea's Popular Party town council to fix its drainage system. The Junta's position was set out in a letter sent to Spanish environmental campaigners AGADEN and made public by Gibraltar's Environmental Safety Group. In its response, the Junta explains how it ordered La Linea to take all necessary steps to urgently eliminate further waste from being discharged into the sea and find an immediate solution to this problem. The ESG claimed that current water sampling indicated this had not yet happened.
"The ESG hopes that this additional pressure from La Junta will produce results from the Ayuntamiento, which recently said it would resolve the sewage problem by mid June," the ESG said. "However,>the ESG has not yet witnessed any activity to confirm that works have even begun."

"Both the ESG and beach users have received news from MEP Graham Watson's office in Brussels that the Petition and Complaint are firmly in place and will remain so until such time as this issue is resolved."

"We shall continue to monitor the situation and invite members of the public to send in any information or photographs which may be helpful in resolving this problem."

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