Thursday 2 June 2011

Today's headlines

EL PAIS Rajoy tries to corral the Government from the autonomous regions - Three Spanair area managers charged for 2008 tragedy - Fraud in white goods recycling / EL MUNDO Rajoy cuts waste in autonomous regions - Judge invokes Correa's 'big booty' to impose an enormous bail - Farmers criticize Rubalcaba for his fear of 'bothering Germany' / PUBLICO €15 million bail: 'Don Vito' (Francisco Correa) will have to pay history's largest bail - Biographical Dictionary defines Civil War as a 'crusade' and a 'war of liberation' - Brussels lifts cucumber ban after Germany's retraction / ABC (Under photo of PP bosses eating cucumbers) "The Government acted late and badly" - Airlines demand explanations from AENA for daily delays / EUROPA SUR Gibraltar fire causes fuel spillage on Algeciras beaches - Junta warns Acerinox: 'Profitable businesses must pay for their own redundancies' - Brussels lifts cucumber alert YOU CAN SPONSOR THIS DAILY WEEKDAY FEATURE FOR AS LITTLE AS €3 €2

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