Thursday 12 April 2012

Bogart and Bacall coming to San Roque

SAN ROQUE Howard Hawks' To Have and Have Not, starring Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and Walter Brennan is scheduled to be shown at the Palace of Governors in San Roque this coming Monday, April 16 at 9pm. Entrance is free. A classic of the film noir genre, that will probably be dubbed, not subtitled. The film is set in Fort de France, Martinique, under the Vichy regime in the summer of 1940, shortly after the fall of France. In this exotic location, the world-weary fishing-boat captain Harry Morgan (Humphrey Bogart) is urged to help the French Resistance smuggle some people onto the island. He refuses, until the client, Johnson (Walter Sande), who has been hiring out his fishing boat (and owes him $825) is shot before paying him. (See full synopsis here.) PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ITEMS SUCH AS THIS MAY BE SUBJECT TO SUBSCRIPTION IN THE FUTURE but you can make a donation NOW, too! Please click here for more information on how to help us continue. (This item was translated and edited.)

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