Wednesday 27 June 2012

Retraction on Local Police action in dog incident

JIMENA Further to our item regarding this dog, we had a visit from the two local police officers involved in the incident reported below. They were keen to point out that the person reported as kicking the dog was not the owner, but his father, and that there was no kicking involved as THEY WOULD NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO GET AWAY WITH IT. Prospero/Alberto apologised profusely for neglecting to get their version of the incident in the first place and responding emotionally on the subject. EN ESPAÑOL: A continuación del artículo sobre este perro, me han visitado los dos agentes de la Policía Local que intervinieron en el asunto, con los siguientes puntos: primero, que no era el dueño del perro el que se presentó, sino el padre; y que no hubo patadas para con el animal ya que NUNCA PERMITIRÍAN TAL COSA EN SU PRESENCIA. Me he disculpado con ellos por no haber contrastado el tema directamente con ellos y por haber reaccionado emocionalmente sobre este tema.


Anonymous said...

pero que ha pasado ahora con el perro? está bien? lo han cuidado?

Anonymous said...

So how on earth did the poor dog get in this state?? Think someone is lying!!!

Anonymous said...

So how on earth did the poor dog get in this state?? Think someone is lying!!!

Anonymous said...

Kicked or not...this dog is in a terrible way and it is a very serious matter. He needs urgent help now

Anonymous said...

It is a. Terrible state of affairs that no body is able to take any action to help this dog !,,,,,

PROSPERO said...

FROM FACEBOOK "you dont need both sides of the story the photo speaks for itself, I know from experience that when I complained about the conditions of my neighbours dog he killed it for the dog it was a blessed relief as it was tied up on less than a metre chain winter and summer and the bastard would hose it down with cold water winter and summer I just wished I had been braver and spoken out before, as it is the whole neighbourhood turned against me."