Monday 28 January 2013

Is your fish what it's supposed to be?

SPAIN Merluza is hake. Good hake is not cheap in Spain. The best hake comes  from Galicia, according to connoisseurs. Your supermarket probably sells it fresh at the fish counter, but is it the Galician variety, or one that comes from Argentina, Peru or Namibia but sold as from Celeiro in Galicia? Thing is, can anyone tell the difference? The little old lady who elbows her way to the counter and has never heard the word cola in its queuing meaning, says she has no doubt that today's offering is from the North Atlantic. An argument ensues,  with the fishmonger's wife slamming and slapping her victims, the aforesaid fish, ever louder on her cutting board. The fact is that she is selling merluza at €5 the kilo, with a little label saying 'gallego' above the price on display in her cold case. It can't be from Celeiro at that price. (A more detailed article on this subject will soon be available on SpainInformer, com)

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