Friday 10 May 2013

Europe Day washout - is this an omen?

González de la Torre
and Mayor raising
European flag
JIMENA Yesterday, May 9, was Europe Day. Jimena prepared for it with a programme of activities designed mainly for kids. Diego González de la Torre, President of Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, and José Antonio Cabrera Mengual, Vice-President, and various other dignitaries turned up in suits and ties in the heat at midday on the square - but no kids, no public. Why? Because there was a strike against education cutbacks (more on that later) and so, very few children anywhere to be seen. Some did turn up by sheer chance and got bagfuls of material about Europe to read, caps, pens and mini torches ... So did Prospero, who could be seen with a brand new bright blue cap.(Apropos  of Europe: What happens to British expats if the UK pulls out of the EU? We will try to find out.)

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