JIMENA Estación Starting today and until Sunday, August 1, are the celebrations for the 2013 Novena, in honour of Jimena's patron saint, Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles (Our Lady Queen of the Angels), the last of the local ferias this year. The programme below (no time to translate, sorry) will tell you that the whole thing kicks off at 7pm this evening with a parade through the streets of Estación, headed towards the coronation of this year's Queen of the Fair. Among other activities featured are the 33rd edition of the Flamenco Festival, the 26th of the 'Michigan' Urban Mile, the popular Mojá (officilly Mojada Popular, where everyone gets very wet), the 36th edition of the cooking competition (Concurso Platos Típicos), plus several equestrian events (separate programme below, too), chess competitions, and a little train to ferry the kids (okay, you can ride it, too), and more - and then, the beautiful Procession of Our Lady that brings it all to an end on Sunday evening. Complete Main Events Programme, plus equestrian events, below>>>