JIMENA (Agencies) The Ministries of Development and Culture has awarded a grant of €762.931 to restore the castle at Jimena. The money will come from a programme called
Uno por Ciento Cultural ('Cultural 1%') aimed at contracts for public works. A statement from Culture said that the name 'castle' actually refers to a Roman and Islamic walled citadel that was much changed at the beginning of the 19th century and neglected ever since. This is located on a promontory in the Southern part of the area. The objective of the project is to "facilitate the visitor's interpretation of the history, contsruction, function and spatial aspects of the castle through the conservation and restoration of the esxisting structures and their more immediate evironment." The area in question covers some 11,400 m2 and is centred on the round tower and its surroundings, particularly in the zone that runs from the main entrance to the area, known as Arco del Reloj, and the tower area.
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