Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Ophthalmology appointments are being given for April 2012

ALGECIRAS (Agencies) The Área Sanitaria del Campo de Gibraltar (equivalent to France's Cordon Sanitaire, and close to UK's Hospital Trust) is offering appointments to the Ophthalmology departments for a year and even eighteen months' time. The large number of patients needing check-ups and routine attention has increased enormously. Those requiring checks every six months are having to accept appointments for six months after that, and numerous complaints have been registered by the Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS). According to a SAS spokesperson, this is not due to a lack of specialists but rather to the fact that eye specialist attention is not subject to the system's 60-day maximum waiting list. It was also pointed out that the specialists decide how urgent a process might be and appointments are made according to this. However, an extra consultation surgery is being set up, though no health centre or hospital was mentioned.

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