Wednesday 11 May 2011

Today's headlines

EL PAIS ETA member agitates campaign asking for Bildu vote - [Carlos] Slim buys part of future Caixabank - Obama boosts regularization of millions of 'no papers' ('illegal aliens') / ABC ETA-Bildu mocks Constitutional Court - Business and unions agree to lower payments in 2012 - Spanish diplomat visits Manu Brabo in Libyan jail / EL MUNDO ETA asks for Bildu vote laying shadow over six judges - Only PSOE and IU reject Chaves reprobation - Bill Gates buys Skype for €5,900 million to compete in phone market / PUBLICO PP puts Spain 'at cliff's edge' - Conservatives want to make Bildu illegal because en ex-prisoner showed pro ETA poster / CINCO DIAS (Business/Finance) Treasury embargoes El Pocero for €202 million - Microsoft buys Skype and shakes telecom status quo - HNA buys 20% of NH and opens door to China / EUROPA SUR Judge orders investigation of [Junta's] ex-Employment councillor - La Linea [National] police station will have 100 vacancies this summer - Tarifa fishermen block port and moor fleet YOU CAN SPONSOR THIS WEEKDAY ITEM FOR AS LITTLE AS €3

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