Wednesday 15 June 2011

Everything you ever wanted to know about your child's education but couldn't understand the language

ANDALUCIA There are always a lot of questions about local education facilities at this time of year. We try to bring you up to date information but that is not always possible, if nothing else because it is all too often not available on a website (fortunately, our office is close to a school, so we are sometimes seen rushing across the street to get information...). One of the most frequently asked questions is How & When do I register my child for school? The answer is on a pamphlet (in English, French and Arabic) that gives you a general overview. In any case, YOU HAVE UNTIL JUNE 25 TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR for those just starting their schooling in the Andalucía system. Find out at your local school if it is necessary to re-register you child for next year - the rules have changed and we are as yet unable to get a clear answer as to who does and who does not have to re-register. The Junta de Andalucia's Consejería de Educación website contains information in Spanish only, and sometimes takes a while to be updated. (Editorial note: It is well worth remembering that education in Andalucía, particularly at mid- and secondary levels, scores at the very bottom of European lists. Also, there is not a single Spanish university -not even Europe's most ancient at Salamanca- on the World's Top 500 list. We will be writing about this in depth as soon as possible.)

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