Monday 6 June 2011

Today's headlines

(All the major newspapers have a photo of Rafa Nadal winning French Open on front page) EL PAIS Crisis overwhelms Portuguese socialists in election - Polls give Humala close victory in Peru [elections] - Germany now points to sorghum as origin of E.Coli / EL MUNDO Demand for early elections up to 57% - (Re Nadal) Hexachampion!!! - Center Right wins in Portugal and will manage financial rescue / PUBLICO Bono forgets about transparency - Paris surrenders to Nadal - 'Indignant' plan mass march on Madrid for June 9 / CINCO DIAS (Business/Finance) Cajas'adjustment process jammed with office sales - Spain maintains export quota - How to understand collective bargaining negotiations / EUROPA SUR PP must undertake pending work and clean up accounts - Dead animals appear covered in fuel - San Roque PSOE talks with PA and PIVG and does not discount coalition YOU CAN SPONSOR THIS DAILY WEEKDAY FEATURE FOR ONLY €3 €2

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