Monday 4 July 2011

Bush fire burns 20 hectares at La Alcaidesa

(Photo: Europa Sur)
SAN ROQUE (Agencies) A bush fire broke out on the hills in the La Alcaidesa and Sierra del Arca at about 15.14 yesterday, when the Infoca (fire prevention organization) received a call to alert them of smoke in the area. It was finally put out at about 8.30 in the evening, needing five helicopters and three airplanes to do so. The firefighters concentrated on not allowing the flames to spread towards El Albarracín, the main road, the San Roque Club and on towards Sotogrande. As it is, a campsite in the immediate area had to be evacuated. Aside from the aircraft, the fire needed 70 firefighters, seven retenes (units of various numbers spread out for emergencies), three pump trucks containing some 4,000 litres, one 'mother tank' with capacity for another 11,000 litres. The Guardia Civil decided to evacuate the La Casita campsite as a prevention, principally because of the smoke that reached the place, but no damage was registered there other than that.

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