Monday 11 July 2011

Watching the skies, a fine time had by all

CASTELLAR (Agencies) The Luz-Cero Astronomical Society of the Campo de Gibraltar held its second nightime observation of the Moon and Saturn last Saturday in Castellar. Numerous sky watchers came out with their telescopes and cameras - and it was good to see so may kids involved, too. The evnt was held on the sports courts at La Almoraima because, as was explained by the organizers, 'it was far enough away from light pollution'. They also helped newcomers to identify stars and constellations, the main reason for the society's existence being to bring astronomy closer to the general public, particularly to the young. Another event is planned in Castellar this summer, on August 24, this time from Pozos de Majarambú. Luz-Cero (i.e. Zero Light), is currently made up of 27 members from Los Barrios, Castellar, La Línea and Algeciras. See their website here.

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