Tuesday 1 November 2011

Rota becomes most desired US Navy posting

On-base housing, Rota
(Photo: US Navy)
ROTA With the announcement that Rota is to become the main Europaean base for NATO's anti-missile shield, the US Navy has already received well over 5,000 transfer requests from its personnel. Not bad when there are only some 2,000 to fill at the base's new status. The reasons behind this deluge of transfer requests, according to Navy sources, are: the climate, off-base housing prices, local cuisine and culture, among others. But then, the 'elected' will be able to enjoy the results of investments worth about €300 million. Among improvements and new facilities are:>>>

  • Homes have tinted windows, new air conditioning and solar panels, through a pilot plan from the US Navy that aims to turn Rota into a pioneer in energy efficiency.
  • New access to the USN housing area through El Saladillo, making four such direct accesses to homes.
  • Sports facilitie have been enlarged and fully renovated, including a new basketball court and several pools.
  • Telefónica has installed a WiFi system that is much faster than there have been until now. Connection speed has more than doubled, and the base pays for the monthly charges.
(Prospero note: Am I too old to join the US Navy?)

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