Thursday 26 January 2012

What a little love can do ...

You may remember Grace (Grace needs a loving home and plenty of food). She featured in one of our many appeals. She was lucky, she was fostered and ended up staying with her foster family. Her progress is almost unbelievable and it makes us extremely happy that she is so very well. Alas, there are still lots of animals all over the place that need help - there was also talk of setting up at least a fund-raising entity in Jimena but that seems to have fizzled out when it was evident that Prospero was not about to run it, though he did offer to help with setting it up, and Spanish appeals, etc. More AFTER photos below>>>

Now, that's one happy dog!
You may also want to see some of the articles we have put up over the years:

On the old JimenaPulse, we published plenty of items about horses, too, but alas some of the links have died and many photos removed. If you go there, you can see some of them (no photos, though) if you write horses in the Search field.

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