Wednesday 28 March 2012

How will tomorrow's General Strike affect you?

In case you'd forgotten, there is a General Strike called for tomorrow, Thursday, March 29, beginning at midnight tonight. So, you ask, how will it affect me? In general, most offices and businesses are open, though some may be at minimal staff level. The following is an attempt at warning you of possible consequences: Schools: Your child should have a notice from his/her teacher advising him/her (or you) of the fact that the teacher may or may not turn up for work. In any case the school is open for business, though there may only be a skeleton staff on duty. Universities: Probably not worth going to class, as trouble is expected as usual. Hospitals/Medical Centres: Staff are expected to back strike as cutbacks will impact here particularly. Expect skeleton nursing and administrative staff, but not particularly from doctors and specialists. Shops: they are all open, though smaller ones in larger towns and cities may choose to close because of pickets. Banks/Post Offices: open as usual with just a few on strike if at all. Airports: open but probably understaffed, so expect delays. Public Transport: Minimally staffed, expect delays. Petrol stations: open for business as usual. No regional trains or buses will be operating. PICKETS & DEMOS: These may be present just about anywhere (e.g. the Frontier in La Línea, in front of the larger stores such as Carrefour), so be prepared for delays. If you choose to cross the picket line, which you are free to do, expect abuse. Just be careful.

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