Monday 30 July 2012

A gift of the dogs ...

JIMENA (Personal by Prospero) I had a gift from the dogs yesterday. Don't tell anyone, but I sometimes let the dogs have a run in the village early on Sunday morning so I can clean up and disinfect the patio properly. This time, yesterday, I looked out expecting to see them queuing up for their food but instead I saw this little thing in the very middle of the very hot road behind the house - no sign of the dogs, who had presumably deposited the fella with the intention of having it for breakfast. Darned if I didn't have to take him in. He/she was shivering despite the heat, and was wet, probably thanks to my big dog's jaws. Anyway, spent all night with it, feeding every two hours - you know, milk and water, drop by drop, etc. - only to discover this morning that it (male? female?) is perfectly capable of eating and drinking out of a bowl. Feisty little sod! Would you PLEASE help find a home for him/her, as I can´t take any more animals on!!! (Comment below or on Facebook)

1 comment:

sue said...

Hmmmn...good luck with that!I´m still desperately looking to home two that I dogs are NOT amused about being relegated to the terrace most of the day whilst the little "invaders"get the armchair in front of the telly.....I cant afford to keep them but no-one seems to want to take them on.