Saturday 28 July 2012

London 2012: Photo focus on the 'beach-girls'

LONDON The sport of female beach volley is probably the major attraction for photographers this year - no surprise. The beach-girls, as the Spanish media dub them, will carry on chasing medals in their mini shorts though not in bikinis: at the last minute their International Federation allowed them to use more Lycra where it might be needed. For years, this sport has been a sort of counterbalance to male-dominated athletic stardom. This is written shortly before the teams set off for their medals on Horse Guards Parade - which may or may not be the ideal venue for them, depending on which Guard you ask - one of the girls, Kerry Wals, twice gold from the USA, said, "I love playing in a bikini." German player Ilka Semmel put it more seriously, "Bikinis are more comfortable when it's hot. And anyway, we've been making the shorts shorter ourselves." (Sorry, gotta go watch them.)

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