Monday 12 November 2012

Drug storage unit 'security'

Broomstick, bottom left
CÁDIZ Last month we reported on a robbery that had occurred at the drug storage facilities in Cádiz, where some 300 kilos of cocaine and 100 of hashish were 'lifted'. From the supposedly secure official storage place that keeps about half of all drug hauls in the country.This photograph was sent out by the Sindicato Unificado de Policía (SUP, the police union). Since the robbery, the sliding window through which the burglars may have escaped has been fastened with a broomstick. Yes, a broomstick. The union wants to point to the negligence and abandon some of the Policía Nacional's facilities are suffering.>>>
They say that the damage caused by the robbers, who smashed down a door and broke through a thin wall, has yet to be repaired. No further security measures, save the presence of a patrol car (one of only three in operation in the city) nearby, have been taken, particularly one aimed at stopping anyone climbing through from a courtyard next door. Yet there is still a considerable quantity of drugs on the premises.

The police union is afraid that the officers on guard that weekend will be blamed for the incident, as there is  a central monitoring system that connects to the network of security cameras at all times, but on which they did not see anything strange on the weekend in question.


tincanferry said...

Why do they have to store them?
Why not photograph them and then destroy them?

tincanferry said...

Why do these drugs need to be stored/ Surely they can be recorded in a way that satisfies the authorities; then destroyed.
They are no temptation then.