Friday 24 September 2010

Ándalus airline near collapse

ANDALUCÍA Onda Local Andalucía, a municipal radio & TV association reported yesterday that Ándalus Airlines (at some time called Al Ándalus) had not paid many of its staff for several months and all its flights were suspended. According to the report, some 80 workers were taking collective legal action over their unpaid salaries. The report said that investors were being sought to save the airline. However, our attempts at reaching company management proved fruitless, as the main phone number was 'inoperative'. The airline's website was still online, but no bookings were being processed 'temporarily', according to a window on the site. Ándalus stopped flying from Gibraltar in March, ostensibly for 'technical reasons', but there were already concerns about its future. The airline continued to fly to and from major cities in Spain, and to Morocco.

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