Monday 28 November 2011

Today's headlines

EL PAÍS Autonomies freeze social costs and sink investment -  Arab League immobilizes Syria with tough economic sanctions - PP will have to up oil prices Zapatero portponed / ABC (Over photo of screaming woman) Egypt votes for its future -  Zapatero leaves Alonso as parliament spokesman to put brakes on Rubalcaba power - Smaller parties pressure for Amaiur and UPyD to have their own groups / PÚBLICO Taxman reveals Urdangar'in's darkside operations /Co-payment rises health costs to the long term - Red Bull manouevre puts Alonso in fourth place / EL MUNDO Rajoy commits to being part of euro 'hard zone' - Teddy Bautista granted €40 million in contratcts to his friend Neri - Climate Summit starts with smoke screen / EXPANSIÓN (Busines & Finance) PP pacts with Switzerland to tax opaque money - Merkel will allow ECB to double purchase of bonds - Banks to come up with €10,000 million for developers' credit / EUROPA SUR (Campo de Gibraltar) Guardia Civil intercepts 150 stolen vehicles a year (in Algeciras) - Griñán demands 'immediate leadership' to win socialist vote - Manuel Caeiro says he was never told of Lobo liberation by UGT (re man who never went to work)

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