Tuesday 24 April 2012

Carrefour to discount VAT for large families

SPAIN/CAMPO DE GIBRALTAR The Carrefour stores in La Línea and Algeciras, in common with the rest of the chain's Spanish network, is discounting IVA (VAT) from shopping made by familias numerosas ('large families', see definition below). The discount applies to the following sections in the store: butcher, fishmonger, fruit & veg, bakery, pre-prepared foods and cheeses. These products, which 53% of the bulk of the shopping list, have VAT of between 4% to 8% applied to them, and they are daily items. The plan, called Superfamilias and paid for by the company, applies to some 4,000 products, of which 82% come from Spanish agriculture. The objective, according to a Carrefour press release, is to help the more than half a million such families throughout the country.PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ITEMS SUCH AS THIS MAY BE SUBJECT TO SUBSCRIPTION IN THE FUTURE but you can make a donation NOW, too! Please click here for more information on how to help us continue. (This item took 78 minutes to receive, research, translate and publish)>>>

Current legislation defines a familia numerosa as follows:

  • Where the head of the family, his/her spouse, if there is such, and three or more children.
  • Where the head of the family, his/her spouse, if there is such, and two or more children, when one or both of these has a registered handicap or is unable to work.
  • Mother or Father with a handicap or complete inability to work, and two or more children.
Conditions to be met by the children:
  • Must be single.
  • Under the age of 21. That age is extended to 26 if he or she is a full-time student. There is no age limit if the son or daughter has a registered disability.
  • Living with the head of the family.
  • Depends financially on the head of the family.
  • The children can be those of either or both spouses.
To find out how to apply for a large family validation, consult your nearest Social Services office, which can be found through your local town hall. In case you need to have the definition in Spanish as above, we reprint the legislation from which we translated it:

Según la legislación vigente se considera familia numerosa a aquella compuesta por:
  • La persona que sea cabeza de familia, su cónyuge, si lo hubiera, y 3 o más hijos y/o hijas.
  • La persona que sea cabeza de familia, su cónyuge, si lo hubiera, y 2 hijos y/o hijas siempre que al menos uno o una tenga reconocida alguna minusvalía o incapacidad para el trabajo.
  • Padre y madre con minusvalia o incapacidad absoluta par todo trabajo y 2 hijos y/o hijas
Condiciones que deben de reunir los hijos e hijas:
  • Estar solteros o solteras.
  • Ser menores de 21 años. El límite se amplía hasta cumplir 26 años en caso de ser estudiantes. No existe límite de edad para las hijas e hijos con reconocimiento de minusvalía.
  • Convivir con la persona que sea cabeza de familia.
  • Depender económicamente de la persona que sea cabeza de familia.
  • Los hijos e hijas podrán ser descendientes de ambos cónyuges o de cualquiera de ellos.

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