Work got under way on Monday to repair the damage caused by recent storms to the network of country roads to allow farmers access to their properties, in particular to orange groves as harvesting is at its high point. The roads under emergency repair work are those in the
Barranca Bermeja, El Dorado, La Herradura, Los Callejones, Macarro and Vereda Real (GR7) sections. The work is being financed by the Junta's Agriculture Department. Jimena Mayor Pascual Collado (in photo with the provincial delgates for Government and Agriculture, Gabriel Almagro and José Antonio Blanco, respectively) pointed out that local agriculture has suffered double damage: to the orange harvest and to accesses to the groves. On his visit to Jimena Gabriel Almagro also inspected the municipality's public buildings, and announced that technicians from his department will be visiting soon to report and estimate on storm damage there.
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