Friday 15 April 2011

Sánchez is 'convinced' there will not be a strike over Easter

Alejandro Sánchez
LA LÍNEA (Agencies) Mayor Alejandro Sánchez stated yesterday that 'peace and quiet will reign' over the Easter Holidays, even though the Council and the municipal workers' unions (UGT, CCOO, USO and SPPME-A) were unable to reach an agreement on back payment of salaries. The disagreement came about despite the intervention of  the Servicio Extrajudicial de Resolución de Conflictos Laborales de Andalucía (Sercla in its Spanish acronym), the official arbitration service for labour conflicts, an obligatory process before a strike is called. A decision was to be made this morning. Watch this space. (In any case, should a strike be called, be aware that pickets tend to demonstrate near the border, causing traffic chaos.)

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