Wednesday 20 July 2011


Yes, they have all come into JimenaPulse, either by e-mail or in person (dogson?). In all cases they were dumped at the door or on the property of a foreign, usually British, person, in the knowledge that they would be taken care of. We're not sure if we're doing the right thing: are we encouraging the dumping of these animals by taking them, feeding them and trying to find homes for them? Should we -could we- leave them where they are? Let them die, and maybe, just maybe, the totally uncivilized, ill-educated, irresponsible people who don't know what having a pet means would have the mothers & fathers 'done', so this continuous tragedy would come to an end. If you have, or know of, any abandoned animal, please get a photo or two and send them in with some contact details. We will put them up here and on CampoPulse. (See also Abandoned animals are a national problem.)

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