(Agencies) The Spanish Government has responded officially to the British authorities regarding a recent complaint by the Rock about "incursions" by the Guardia Civil in "Gibraltar waters". Spain, according to an article published yesterday by
El Mundo, "does not recognize any spaces other than those strictly ceded by the Treaty of Utrecht." The complaint was issued earlier this year by the British Embassy in Madrid to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A spokesperson for the ministry added that "these and similar complaints have been "duly answered by the ministry headed by Miguel Ángel Moratinos." The article recalled several incidents involving the Royal Navy, the Royal Gibraltar Polioce and the Guardia Civil, which have been happening since last spring. On more than one occasion, Navy and Police boats have gone to sea against Guardia Civil patrol boats, requesting that the latter leave the waters in dispute. Diplomatic sources say that "the Guardia Civil is doing nothing new, as it has been entering and leaving these waters if it considered it necessary to pursue or watch criminal activity."
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